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State Coat of Arms of the Dubrovnik Republic

05.02.2010 - 05.05.2010

Other exhibitions

The exhibition has been produced by Dubrovnik Museums, Cultural History Museum

The exhibition presents the historical development of the state coat of arms of the Republic of Dubrovnik between 1358 and 1806, its origin, its symbolic role in the life of the Republic, its meaning in international relations and the changes it underwent over the course of time; it also gives a review of other state emblems of the Republic, particularly the coats of arms and flags with the figure of St Blaise.

Exhibition devised by: Frane Čizmić
Exhibition design: Nora Mojaš

The catalogue of the exhibition is available in the museum shop of Dubrovnik Museums.

State Coat of Arms of the Dubrovnik Republic

The exhibition has been produced by Dubrovnik Museums, Cultural History Museum

The exhibition presents the historical development of the state coat of arms of the Republic of Dubrovnik between 1358 and 1806, its origin, its symbolic role in the life of the Republic, its meaning in international relations and the changes it underwent over the course of time; it also gives a review of other state emblems of the Republic, particularly the coats of arms and flags with the figure of St Blaise.

Exhibition devised by: Frane Čizmić
Exhibition design: Nora Mojaš

The catalogue of the exhibition is available in the museum shop of Dubrovnik Museums.