The exhibition has been produced by Dubrovnik Museums, Etnographic Museum
The exhibition "The Hidden Treasure of Macedonia - A beauty that Transcends Boundaries" presents the rich textiles and other materials collected in the Macedonia region at the turn of the 19th and the 20th century as well as during the 1950s and 1960s and are now kept in Dubrovnik as part of the museum collections.
The exhibition aims to highlight the contribution made by Croatian researchers to the collection, protection, preservation and presentation of traditional Macedonian attire, part of the popular cultural heritage and common property of all Slavic peoples from south east Europe.
The exhibition is part of a project to reinforce inter-institutional and international collaboration with Macedonia and to carry out research into textile handicrafts and the transformations of them in various cultural and historical realities.
Author of exhibition: Branka Hajdić
Consultants: Nade Genevska Bračić, Vladimir Janevski i Ivica Kipre
Visual set up: Ivona Michl
The exhibition was produced with financial support from the City of Dubrovnik